Results for 'Nicolás Ariel Lázaro'

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  1.  7
    La tripartición de la justicia en los comentarios de Tomás de Vio a Summa theologiae II-II, qq. 57-62.Nicolás Ariel Lázaro - 2021 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 27 (2):107-140.
    Se comparan los comentarios realizados por Cayetano a la noción de justicia expuesta por Santo Tomás en S. Th. II-II, qq. 57-62. A partir de las notas recabadas, se ofrece una síntesis de la definición brindada por el Cardenal. Acudiendo a la noción de «tripartición» explicamos las fundamentales diferencias que encontramos entre los comentarios de Tomás de Vio y la doctrina de Tomás de Aquino. Finalmente, nos explayamos en algunas consideraciones con respecto a los alcances prácticos que tal noción implica (...)
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    Faster might not be better: Pictures may not elicit a stronger unconscious priming effect than words when modulated by semantic similarity.Nicolás Marcelo Bruno, Iair Embon, Mariano Nicolás Díaz Rivera, Leandro Giménez, Tomás Ariel D'Amelio, Santiago Torres Batán, Juan Francisco Guarracino, Alberto Andrés Iorio & Jorge Mario Andreau - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 81:102932.
  3.  17
    Giustizia: fra analogia e univocità. Da Tommaso d’Aquino a Tommaso De Vio.Nicolás Lázaro - 2023 - Doctor Virtualis 18:305-320.
    Il presente contributo indaga la trasformazione della definizione di “giustizia” da Tommaso d’Aquino (analogica) a Tommaso De Vio (univoca). Esaminando la connessione fra logica e filosofia morale si considera il tema della virtù e l‘interpretazione del pensiero dell’Angelico da parte del Gaetano. Si intende approfondire il rapporto fra la giustizia e il bene comune attraverso l’uso dell’analogia (Tommaso) o in altri termini (Gaetano). Il lavoro fa riferimento anche alla tesi di S. Hofstadter, secondo cui l’analogia è quasi un a priori (...)
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    Silvana Filippi: formadora de investigadores.Nicolás Lázaro - 2021 - Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época 17.
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    Medioevofobia. Notas sobre la investigación acerca de la Filosofía en la Edad Media.Nicolás A. Lázaro - 2020 - Patristica Et Medievalia 41 (2):117-128.
    En el presente escrito se ofrece un compendio de notas críticas en torno a las dificultades con las que se topa actualmente un investigador de temas relacionados con la Edad Media, se exponen los argumentos más comunes y las respuestas que destacados medievalistas han ensayado. El cometido de este trabajo es, en primer lugar, poner de manifiesto el prejuicio que persiste en torno al Medioevo. Luego, el de brindar un cuerpo bibliográfico que ayude a quienes deban justificar todavía hoy las (...)
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    GRIMALDI, NICOLÁS, Descartes et ses fables. Puf, Paris, 2006.Raquel Lázaro - 2007 - Anuario Filosófico:253-256.
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    Oeuvres complètes.Nicolas Malebranche - 1837 - Vrin.
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    Motion and representation: the language of human movement.Nicolas Salazar Sutil - 2015 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    An examination of the ways human movement can be represented as a formal language and how this language can be mediated technologically. In Motion and Representation, Nicolás Salazar Sutil considers the representation of human motion through languages of movement and technological mediation. He argues that technology transforms the representation of movement and that representation in turn transforms the way we move and what we understand to be movement. Humans communicate through movement, physically and mentally. To record and capture integrated (...)
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    The Shell and the Kernel.Nicolas Abraham & Nicholas Rand - 1979 - Diacritics 9 (1):15.
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    Government by Choice: Classical Liberalism and the Moral Status of Immigration Barriers.Nicolas Maloberti - 2011 - The Independent Review 15 (4):540-561.
    Could we plausibly believe in the fundamental tenets of classical liberalism and, at the same time, support the state’s raising of immigration barriers? The thesis of this paper is that if we accept the main tenets of classical liberalism as essentially correct, we should regard immigration barriers as essentially illegitimate. Considered under ideal conditions, immigration barriers constitute an unjustified infringement on individuals’ ownership rights, since it is difficult to identify a purpose that such an infringement could have that would outweigh (...)
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    Traité de l'amour de Dieu. Trois lettres et réponse générale au R.P. Lamy.Nicolas Malebranche, André Robinet & Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - 1958 - J. Vrin.
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    A Comment on Barnett and Block on Time Deposit and Bagus and Howden on Loan Maturity Mismatching.Nicolás Cachanosky - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 104 (2):219-221.
    In Time Deposits, Dimension, and Fraud (2009), William Barnett and Walter Block argue that by borrowing short and lending long there is an over issuance of property rights. Their article, however, does not fully extend the consequences of their contribution. Once this is done, it becomes clearer that their argument suits a great impediment to banking, becoming a possible reason to support rather than to oppose fractional reserve banking. Bagus and Howden (J Bus Ethics 90(3):399–406, 2009) comment on Barnett and (...)
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    Toward a theory of the empirical tracking of individuals: Cognitive flexibility and the functions of attention in integrated tracking.Nicolas J. Bullot - 2009 - Philosophical Psychology 22 (3):353-387.
    How do humans manage to keep track of a gradually changing object or person as the same persisting individual despite the fact that the extraction of information about this individual must often rely on heterogeneous information sources and heterogeneous tracking methods? The article introduces the Empirical Tracking of Individuals theory to address this problem. This theory proposes an analysis of the concept of integrated tracking, which refers to the capacity to acquire, store, and update information about the identity and location (...)
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    L'herméneutique fictionnalisée: quand l'interprétation s'invite dans la fiction.Nicolas Correard, Vincent Ferré & Anne Teulade (eds.) - 2014 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Ce volume collectif montre que l'herméneutique fictionnalisée permet de réfléchir sur les procédures de l'interprétation, de penser les limites de la fiction et de prendre en charge des discours que les disciplines savantes ne sont pas toujours en situation de produire.
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  15. Pratique du droit et conscience chrétienne.Nicolas Jacob (ed.) - 1962 - Paris,: Éditions du Cerf.
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    Malebranche.Nicolas Malebranche - 1944 - [Milano]: Garzanti. Edited by Luigia Colombo.
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    Le monde-musique.François Nicolas - 2014 - [Château-Gontier]: Éditions Aedam Musicae.
    1. L'oeuvre musicale et son écoute -- 2. Le monde-musique et son solfège -- 3. Le musicien et son intellectualité musicale -- 4. Les raisonances du monde-musique ; postlude d'Alain Badiou.
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    Psychedelic Therapy as Form of Life.Nicolas Langlitz & Alex K. Gearin - 2024 - Neuroethics 17 (1):1-19.
    In the historical context of a crisis in biological psychiatry, psychedelic drugs paired with psychotherapy are globally re-emerging in research clinics as a potential transdiagnostic therapy for treating mood disorders, addictions, and other forms of psychological distress. The treatments are poised to soon shift from clinical trials to widespread service delivery in places like Australia, North America, and Europe, which has prompted ethical questions by social scientists and bioethicists. Taking a broader view, we argue that the ethics of psychedelic therapy (...)
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  19.  41
    Pluralisme identitaire et gouvernance autochtone : le Nunavut, un modèle ?Nicolas Blanc - 2012 - Éthique Publique. Revue Internationale D’Éthique Sociétale Et Gouvernementale (vol. 14, n° 1).
    Comment se concilient gouvernance autochtone et pluralisme identitaire dans le cas particulier du Nunavut ? Ces deux termes ont été forgés dans le cadre théorique du constitutionnalisme libéral, qui rend la conciliation soit impossible, soit contradictoire ; une exigence éthique conduit à repenser les termes de la question. L’histoire particulière du Nunavut, ainsi que les stratégies contentieuses identitaires, m’ont permis de le qualifier de modèle de gouvernance autochtone moderne. S’appuyant sur une forme de pluralisme juridique, rapidement le pluralisme dialogique est (...)
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  20. Le discours et sa méthode.Nicolas Grimaldi & Jean-luc Marion - 1989 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 179 (2):214-218.
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    La recherche de la vérité, chapitre VII. Nicolas Malebranche (1638–1715).Nicolas Malebranche - 2012 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 6 (2):143-148.
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  22. Amour et jalousie chez Proust: prolégomènes à une étude de l'imaginaire.Nicolás Grimaldi - 1991 - Giornale di Metafisica 13 (2):163.
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    Switching Between Sensory and Affective Systems Incurs Processing Costs.Nicolas Vermeulen, Paula M. Niedenthal & Olivier Luminet - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (1):183-192.
    Recent models of the conceptual system hold that concepts are grounded in simulations of actual experiences with instances of those concepts in sensory-motor systems (e.g., Barsalou, 1999, 2003; Solomon & Barsalou, 2001). Studies supportive of such a viewhave shown that verifying a property of a concept in one modality, and then switching to verify a property of a different concept in a different modality generates temporal processing costs similar to the cost of switching modalities in perception. In addition to non-emotional (...)
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    23 Freedom.Nicolas Gravel - 2009 - In Jan Peil & Irene van Staveren (eds.), Handbook of economics and ethics. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. pp. 166.
  25. Aliénation et liberté.Nicolas Grimaldi - 1972 - Paris,: Masson.
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  26. Observations d'un citoyen naïf sur le caractère énigmatique de la société civile.Nicolas Grimaldi - 1998 - Giornale di Metafisica 20 (1-2):3-9.
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  27. Un enfoque actual de la filosofía.Diego Ribes Nicolás - 1977 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 7 (1):97-100.
  28.  33
    Reasoning About Social Choice Functions.Nicolas Troquard, Wiebe Hoek & Michael Wooldridge - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 40 (4):473-498.
    We introduce a logic specifically designed to support reasoning about social choice functions. The logic includes operators to capture strategic ability, and operators to capture agent preferences. We establish a correspondence between formulae in the logic and properties of social choice functions, and show that the logic is expressively complete with respect to social choice functions, i.e., that every social choice function can be characterised as a formula of the logic. We prove that the logic is decidable, and give a (...)
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  29. Transformation of the Botanical Gardens of Medellin-Strategic urban project for the Colombian city.Nicolas Hermelin Bravo - 2008 - Topos 62:36.
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  30. Norberto Bobbio: un socialista liberal. Homenaje a un maestro.Nicolás María López Calera - 2004 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 38:237-242.
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    Afred Schmidt, Le concept de nature chez Marx. Traduit de l'allemand par Jacqueline Bois.Nicolas Février - 1995 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 93 (1-2):197-199.
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  32. Ritual Virtuosity, Large-Scale Priest-Patron Networks, and the Ethics of Remunerated Ritual Services in Northeast Tibet.Nicolas Sihlé - 2021 - In Christoph Brumann, Saskia Abrahms-Kavunenko & Beata Switek (eds.), Monks, money, and morality: the balancing act of contemporary Buddhism. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    " Animales y ciudadanos", de Jesús Monteserín y Jorge Riechmann.Nicolás Martín Sosa & Belkis Cartay Angulo - 1999 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 18 (3):197-201.
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    Znanost, filozofija i religija u suocavanju Kine i Zapada u XVII. stoljecu.Nicolas Standaert - 1989 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (9):449-466.
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    Alexithymia and the automatic processing of affective information: Evidence from the affective priming paradigm.Nicolas Vermeulen, Olivier Luminet & Olivier Corneille - 2006 - Cognition and Emotion 20 (1):64-91.
    In Study 1, we examined the moderating impact of alexithymia (i.e., a difficulty identifying and describing feelings to other people and an externally oriented cognitive style) on the automatic processing of affective information. The affective priming paradigm was used, and lower priming effects for high alexithymia scorers were observed when congruent (incongruent) pairs involving nonverbal primes (angry face) and verbal target were presented. The results held after controlling for participants' negative affectivity. The same effects were replicated in Studies 2 and (...)
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  36. Does Aristotle’s differentia presuppose the genus it differentiates? The troublesome case of Metaphysics x 7.Nicolas Zaks - forthcoming - Ancient Philosophy.
    There seems to be an inconsistency at the heart of Aristotle’s Metaphysics: a differentia is said both to presuppose its genus (in vii 12) and to be logically independent from it (in x 7). I argue that the relation of analogy resolves this inconsistency, restores the coherence of the concepts of differentia and species, and gives x 7 its rightful place in the development of the Metaphysics.
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    Psychological Resources Protect Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Study During the French Lockdown.Nicolas Pellerin & Eric Raufaste - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This longitudinal study investigated the capability of various positive psychological resources to directly or indirectly protect specific well-being outcomes and moderate the effects on well-being of health and economic threats in a lockdown situation during the 2020 health crisis in France. At the beginning of lockdown, participants completed self-assessment questionnaires to document their initial level of well-being and state of nine different well-established psychological resources, measured as traits: optimism, hope, self-efficacy, gratitude toward the world, self-transcendence, wisdom, gratitude of being, peaceful (...)
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  38. Responding to the legal and social issues committee inquiry into end of life choices.Emanuel Nicolas Cortes Simonet & Herbert - 2016 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 22 (1):3.
    Simonet, Emanuel Nicolas Cortes; Herbert, Dilinie The Caroline Chisholm Centre for Health Ethics1 was established through the collaboration of private catholic hospitals in Victoria, namely: Cabrini Health, Calvary Health Care Bethlehem, Caritas Christi Hospice, Mercy Hospital for Women, Mercy Werribee Hospital, Mercy Palliative Care, St John of God Health Care, St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne, and St Vincent's Private Hospital Melbourne. Our role is to develop, review and respond to policies and procedures affecting Catholic Health Care; provide educational resources and formation (...)
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    Algoritmo de manejo del trauma craneoencefálico leve: Una necesidad social en Cuba.Ariel Varela Hernández, Guillermo Pardo Camacho, Gretel Mosquera Betancourt & Guillermo Pardo Cardoso - 2006 - Humanidades Médicas 6 (2):0-0.
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    Categorical perception of anger is disrupted in alexithymia: Evidence from a visual ERP study.Nicolas Vermeulen, Olivier Luminet, Mariana Cordovil de Sousa & Salvatore Campanella - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (6):1052-1067.
    High and low alexithymia scorers were confronted with a modified visual oddball task that allowed the study of categorical perception of emotional expressions on faces. Participants had to quickly detect a deviant (rare) morphed face that shared or did not share the same emotional expression as the frequent one. Expected categorical perception effects, which were also neurophysiologically indexed, showed that rare stimuli were detected faster if they depicted a different emotional expression compared to rare stimuli depicting the same emotional expression (...)
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    How to depolarise the ethical debate over human embryonic stem cell research (and other ethical debates too!).Nicolas Espinoza & Martin Peterson - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (8):496-500.
    The contention of this paper is that the current ethical debate over embryonic stem cell research is polarised to an extent that is not warranted by the underlying ethical conflict. It is argued that the ethical debate can be rendered more nuanced, and less polarised, by introducing non-binary notions of moral rightness and wrongness. According to the view proposed, embryonic stem cell research—and possibly other controversial activities too—can be considered ‘a little bit right and a little bit wrong’. If this (...)
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  42.  26
    The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy: Volume 18, Special Issue: Gian-Carlo Rota and the End of Objectivity, 2019.Burt Hopkins & John Drummond - 2021 - Routledge.
    Volume XVIII Special Issue: Gian-Carlo Rota and The End of Objectivity, 2019 Aim and Scope: The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy provides an annual international forum for phenomenological research in the spirit of Husserl's groundbreaking work and the extension of this work by such figures as Scheler, Heidegger, Sartre, Levinas, Merleau-Ponty and Gadamer. Contributors: Gabriele Baratelli, Stefania Centrone, Giovanna C. Cifoletti, Jean-Marie Coquard, Steven Crowell, Deborah De Rosa, Daniele De Santis, Nicolas de Warren, Agnese Di Riccio, Aurélien Djian, (...)
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    God-like robots: the semantic overlap between representation of divine and artificial entities.Nicolas Spatola & Karolina Urbanska - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (2):329-341.
    Artificial intelligence and robots may progressively take a more and more prominent place in our daily environment. Interestingly, in the study of how humans perceive these artificial entities, science has mainly taken an anthropocentric perspective (i.e., how distant from humans are these agents). Considering people’s fears and expectations from robots and artificial intelligence, they tend to be simultaneously afraid and allured to them, much as they would be to the conceptualisations related to the divine entities (e.g., gods). In two experiments, (...)
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  44.  22
    Switching Between Sensory and Affective SystemsIncurs Processing Costs.Nicolas Vermeulen, Paula M. Niedenthal & Olivier Luminet - 2007 - Cognitive Science: A Multidisciplinary Journal 30 (1):183-192.
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    To Take Risk is to Face Loss: A Tonic Pupillometry Study.Eldad Yechiam & Ariel Telpaz - 2011 - Frontiers in Psychology 2.
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    "(Alma) Ámate a ti misma", más allá del impulso socrático: apuntes sobre el voluntarismo bonaventuriano.Manuel Lázaro Pulido - 2007 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 24:95-116.
    This paper, studies the way how St. Bonaventure deepens to the “Christian Socratism” . St. Bonaventure through the philosophical, theological and Franciscans sources understands that the soul is united with the Good. The anthropology is not only philosophical, and the Good is not only a concept of the philosophy. San Buenaventura adds to the schemes of Plato and Aristotle, the Biblical scheme who understand that the soul is “image of God”. In Itinerarium mentis in Deum an alternative motto to the (...)
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  47.  16
    Duality in permutation state spaces and the dual search algorithm.Uzi Zahavi, Ariel Felner, Robert C. Holte & Jonathan Schaeffer - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (4-5):514-540.
  48. Universality of the principle of sufficient reason.Ja Nicolas - 1990 - Studia Leibnitiana 22 (1):90-105.
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  49. En el drama del liberalismo hispano y en la esperanza de la libertad.Alfonso Lázaro Paniagua & Manuel Escamilla Castillo - 2000 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 34:419-424.
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  50. Displacement.Nicolas Parent & JiróN Mariscal José Antonio de Sucre Questioning Capitalistic Power Structures: A. Way to Reconnect People With - 2022 - In Jennifer Mateer, Simon Springer, Martin Locret-Collet & Maleea Acker (eds.), Energies beyond the state: anarchist political ecology and the liberation of nature. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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